Center for Latino Health Research Opportunities (CLaRO)

In addition to the Investigator Development Core’s Pilot Studies Program, NIMHD CLaRO is conducting two major Research Projects:

Research Project 1

Hispanic Men Building Respect, Education, and Safety within Families (HoMBRES de Familia)

HoMBRES de Familia collaboratively engages with the Latino seasonal farmworker community to develop an evidence-based intervention for adult males and their adolescent sons that targets substance abuse, family violence, and HIV/AIDS within an integrated framework.

Research Project 2

Computer Assisted Family Intervention to Treat Self-Harm Disparities in Latinas and Sexual/Gender Minority Youth


This study seeks to refine and test the efficacy of a computer assisted culturally informed and flexible/adaptive intervention (CA CIFFTA) for Latino adolescents reporting self-harm behaviors and reporting at least two factors that we hypothesize to maintain the risk of self-harm (i.e., depression, emotion dysregulation, substance use, and/or family conflict). We also focus on male and female lesbian gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth because both Latino and Latina LGBT youth demonstrate significantly higher risk for self-harm behaviors and can experience unique stressors (e.g., trauma, minority status, and marginalization).