Center for Latino Health Research Opportunities (CLaRO)

Kanamori, M., De La Rosa, M., Diez, S., Weissman, J., Trepka, M. J., Sneij, A., Schmidt, P., Rojas, P.  (2016, December). A Brief Report: Lessons Learned and Preliminary Findings of Progreso en Salud, an HIV Risk Reduction Intervention for Latina Seasonal Farmworkers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(32), 1-16. doi: 10.3390/ijerph14010032

During the past decade, HIV rates in South Florida have ranked among the highest in the United States (US).  In this region, a sizable Latina seasonal farmworker (LSFW) community lives and works. LSFWs are an underserved population that is disproportionately affected by HIV; their experiences in the US include limited access to health care and poor health conditions, which are reflected in their average life expectancy of 49 years. Few studies have investigated effective interventions to improve their health and wellbeing. Therefore, our team, in partnership with local community agencies, implemented the HIV prevention intervention Progreso en Salud (Progress in Health) among LSFWs (n=114) in South Florida. The present report describes preliminary findings, and lessons learned, relating to this implementation. Preliminary findings at follow-up (6 months after intervention) included increased rates in the overall condom use, HIV testing, HIV/AIDS-related communications with friends, HIV knowledge, condom use self-efficacy, and correct use of condoms. Lessons learned from this study include the practice of adapting an intervention to the realities of the community and its members. These lessons can be used to inform future HIV intervention strategies to improve the adoption and maintenance of HIV risk reduction behaviors among high-risk Latina seasonal workers and other high-risk underserved populations. Future research is needed to support our findings.